john 19 commentary spurgeon

Always was he in harmony with himself, and his own body was always expressive of his soul's cravings as well as of its own longings. No sufferings of ours have anything to do with the atonement of sin. Although Simon carried Christ's cross, he did not volunteer to do it, but they compelled him. They put his own clothes upon him, because they were the perquisites of the executioner, as modern hangmen take the garments of those whom they execute, so did the four soldiers claim a right to his raiment. All this is a blessed clog upon us, and a means of keeping us more near the Lord. That man is a fool and deserves no pity, who purposely excites the disgust of other people. The last expiring word in which he commended his spirit to his Father, is the note of acceptance for himself and for us all. If he carried all the cross, yet he only carried the wood of it; he did not bear the sin which made it such a load. It does not often happen that five or six thousand people meet together twice; it never does, I suppose; the scythe of death must cut some of you down before my voice shall warn you again! You may think that this remark is not needed; but I have met with one or two cases where it was required; and I have often said I would preach a sermon for even one person, and, therefore, I make this remark, even though it should rebuke but one. Let each of us say "Tis all my business here below To cry, Behold the Lamb!" John 1:30-31. What doth he say? Simon had to carry the cross but for a very little time, yet his name is in this Book for ever, and we may envy him his honor. You are not, therefore, so poor as he. The conquest of the appetites, the entire subjugation of the flesh, must be achieved, for before our great Exemplar said, "It is finished," wherein methinks he reached the greatest height of all, he stood as only upon the next lower step to that elevation, and said, "I thirst." Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on John chapter 19 for small groups. I think that Roman soldier meant well, at least well for a rough warrior with his little light and knowledge. Christ was spit upon with shame; sinner, what shame will be yours! He was innocent, and yet he thirsted; shall we marvel if guilty ones are now and then chastened? I. ye unregenerate men and women, and there are not a few such here now, remember that when God saw Christ in the sinner's place he did not spare him, and when he finds you without Christ, he will not spare you. He derived spiritual refreshment from the winning of that women's heart to himself. The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. They put on him his own clothes that the multitudes might discern him to be the same man, the very man who had professed to be the Messias. The flood of his grief has passed the high-water mark, and began to be assuaged. The Christian faith and motives for Christian worship are based on the certainty of facts. Amen. "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. Christ comes forth from Pilate's hall with the cumbrous wood upon his shoulder, but through weariness he travels slowly, and his enemies urgent for his death, and half afraid, from his emaciated appearance, that he may die before he reaches the place of execution, allow another to carry his burden. is the fourth cry, and it illustrates the penalty endured by our Substitute when he bore our sins, and so was forsaken of his God. As Spurgeon puts it "Faith is described as 'receiving' Jesus. and the answer shall come back, "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." "To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise." (6) John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, " It is finished! You young believers, who have lately followed Christ, should father and mother forsake you, remember you were bidden to reckon upon it; should brothers and sisters deride, you must put this down as part of the cost of being a Christian. Of the many benefits we have in learning from Paul, a few stand out:1. We all know that a different dress will often raise a doubt about the identity of an individual; but lo! Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. Here is the forgiveness of sin free forgiveness in answer to the Saviour's plea. While thus we admire his condescension let our thoughts also turn with delight to his sure sympathy: for if Jesus said, "I thirst," then he knows all our frailties and woes. The most careless eye discerns it. Christ was always thirsty to save men, and to be loved of men; and we see a type of his life-long desire when, being weary, he sat thus on the well and said to the woman of Samaria, "Give me to drink." "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" is the first. The extreme tension produced a burning feverishness. Do we not see here the truth of that which was set forth in shadow by the scape-goat? Well might the Master say, "Weep not for me, but for yourselves." But such is not the truthful estimate of man according to the Scriptures: there man is a fallen creature, with a carnal mind which cannot be reconciled to God; a worse than brutish creature, rendering evil for good, and treating his God with vile ingratitude. Can you help feeling how very near Jesus is to us when his lips must be moistened with a sponge, and he must be so dependent upon others as to ask drink from their hand? Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. Then thy sin lies not on thee; not one single ounce or drachma of it lies on thee; it has all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, and he bears it on his shoulder in the form of yonder heavy cross. "It is finished" is the last word but one, and there you see the perfected Saviour, the Captain of our salvation, who has completed the undertaking upon which he had entered, finished transgression, made an end of sin, and brought in ever lasting righteousness. You have seen Jesus led away by his enemies; so shall you be dragged away by fiends to the place appointed for you. The reed was no mere rush from the brook, it was of a stouter kind, of which easterns often make walkingstaves, the blows were cruel as well as insulting; and the crown was not of straw but thorn, hence it produced pain as well as pictured scorn. Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." He must love, it is his nature. Borrowed from his lips it well suiteth my mouth. We know from experience that the present effect of sin in every man who indulges in it is thirst of soul. Save your tears for them; Christ asks them not in sympathy for himself. This added to his shame; but, methinks, in this, too, he draws the nearer to us, "He was numbered with the transgressors, and bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." John 19:4-5. I have heard sermons, and studied works by Romish writers upon the passion and agony, which have moved me to copious tears, but I am not clear that all the emotion was profitable. I am not the One anointed of God to save mankind. John 1:21. Secondly, we shall regard these words, "I thirst," as THE TOKEN OF HIS SUFFERING SUBSTITUTION. See how man at his best mingles admiration of the Saviour's person with scorn of his claims; writing books to hold him up as an example and at the same moment rejecting his deity; admitting that he was a wonderful man, but denying his most sacred mission; extolling his ethical teaching and then trampling on his blood: thus giving him drink, but that drink vinegar. The nails were fastened in the most sensitive parts of the body, and the wounds were widened as the weight of his body dragged the nails through his blessed flesh, and tore his tender nerves. We care, however, far more for the fact that he went forth carrying his cross upon his shoulders. Take up your cross daily and follow him. Christ must die a felon's death, and it must be upon the felon's gallows, in the place where horrid crimes had met their due reward. Did we not do so years ago before we knew him? Read Joo 15:7 bible commentary from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on Think of the millions in this dark world! IV. In your chamber let the gasp of your Lord as he said, "I thirst," go through your ears, and as you hear it let it touch your heart and cause you to gird up yourself and say, "Doth he say, 'I thirst'? May God deliver you! I cannot give you more than a mere taste of this rich subject, but I have been most struck with two ways of regarding our Lord's last words. Alas, my brethren, I cannot say much on the score of man's cruelty to our Lord without touching myself and you. Though Simon had to bear the cross for a very little while, it gave him lasting honor. There is bread upon your table to-day, and there will be at least a cup of cold water to refresh you. who would stand in your place, ye richest, ye merriest, ye most self-righteous sinners who would stand in your place when God shall say, "Awake O sword against the rebel, against the man that rejected me; smite him, and let him feel the smart for ever!" One would wish to be as a spouse, who, when she had already been feasting in the banqueting-house, and had found his fruit sweet to her taste, so that she was overjoyed, yet cried out, "Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love." He pitied the sufferer, but he thought so little of him that he joined in the voice of scorn. He who stood in our stead has finished all his work, and now his spirit comes back to the Father, and he brings us with him. Holy Scripture remains the basis of our faith, established by every word and act of our Redeemer. I suppose that the "I thirst" was uttered softly, so that perhaps only one and another who stood near the cross heard it at all; in contrast with the louder cry of "Lama sabachthani" and the triumphant shout of "It is finished": but that soft, expiring sigh, "I thirst," has ended for us the thirst which else, insatiably fierce, had preyed upon us throughout eternity. Oh! A few times the sun will go up and down the hill; a few more moons will wax and wane, and then we shall receive the glory. Next time your fevered lips murmur "I am very thirsty," you may say to yourself, "Those are sacred words, for my Lord spake in that fashion." Either Christ must die for me, or else I must die for myself the second death; if he did not carry the curse for me, then on me must it rest for ever and ever. Our glorious Samson had been fighting our foes; heaps upon heaps he had slain his thousands, and now like Samson he was sore athirst. O thou blessed Master, if we are indeed nailed up to the tree with thee, give us a thirst after thee with a thirst which only the cup of "the new covenant in thy blood" can ever satisfy. The platted crown of thorns, the purple robe, the reed with which they smote him, and the spittle with which they disfigured him, all these marked the contempt in which they held the King of the Jews. There can be no shadow of doubt but that our Lord was really crucified, and no one substituted for him. Go ye, then, like the Master, expecting to be abused, to wear an ill-name, and to earn reproach; go ye, like him, without the camp. Even as the hart panteth after the water brooks, our souls would thirst after thee, O God. April 14th, 1878 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892). Certainly it is so with you; you do but carry the light end of the cross; Christ bore the heavier end. He came to save, and man denied him hospitality: at the first there was no room for him at the inn, and at the last there was not one cool cup of water for him to drink; but when he thirsted they gave him vinegar to drink. The arrow which has lately pierced thee, my brother, was first stained with his blood. When our Lord cried, "Eloi, Eloi," and afterwards said, "I thirst," the persons around the cross said, "Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him," mocking him; and, according to Mark, he who gave the vinegar uttered much the same words. The mind of man is like the daughters of the horseleech, which cry for ever, "Give, give." Commentary on John 19:31-37 (Read John 19:31-37) A trial was made whether Jesus was dead. While other religions create what appear to be worship-filled gatherings, they are empty and void of fact. The Via Dolorosa, as the Romanists call it, is a long street at the present time, but it may have been but a few yards. We used to melt when we heard about his sufferings, but we did not turn from our sins. ( John 19:1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. There is a fulness of meaning in each utterance which no man shall be able fully to bring forth, and when combined they make up a vast deep of thought, which no human line can fathom. Yet his language teaches us not to worship her, for he calls her "woman," but to honor him in whom his direst agony thought of her needs and griefs, as he also thinks of all his people, for these are his mother and sister and brother. They are these Weep not because the Savior bled, but because your sins made him bleed. Do not let us forget the infinite distance between the Lord of glory on his throne and the Crucified dried up with thirst. Come hither, ye lovers of Immanuel, and I will show you this great sight the King of sorrow marching to his throne of grief, the cross. wherein we see the Son of man in the gentleness of a son caring for his bereaved mother. March 1st, 1863 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892). It is not fit that he should live." Hast thou laid thy hand upon his head, confessed thy sin, and trusted in him? See, brethren, where sin begins, and mark that there it ends. I pray you, lend your ears to such faint words as I can utter on a subject all too high for me, the march of the world's Maker along the way of his great sorrow; your Redeemer traversing the rugged path of suffering, along which he went with heaving heart and heavy footsteps, that he might pave a royal road of mercy for his enemies. You carry the cross after him. We will now take the text in a third way, and may the Spirit of God instruct us once again. Nor does the grief end here, for have not the best works we have ever done, and the best feelings we ever felt, and the best prayers we have ever offered, been tart and sour with sin? Let all your love be his. The last of his last words is also taken from the Scriptures, and shows where his mind was feeding. Therefore while he thirsts give him to drink this day. Beloved, there is now upon our Master, and there always has been, a thirst after the love of his people. Are you so frozen at heart that not a cup of cold water can be melted for Jesus? Call to mind his complaint in the fifth chapter of Isaiah, "Now will I sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. "I thirst," is his human body tormented by grievous pain. This hint only. A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. Beloved, can you say he carried your sin? In that cry there is reconciliation to God. The spear broke up the very fountains of life; no human body could survive such a wound. Think of that! Scripture provides a wealth . They place the cross upon Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country. 1. A second mode of treating these seven cries is to view them as setting forth the person and offices of our Lord who uttered them. What a cataract of immortal souls dashes downwards to the pit every hour! It is done. That thirst was caused, perhaps, in part by the loss of blood, and by the fever created by the irritation caused by his four grievous wounds. We see how the Holy Spirit wants us to pray. Appetite was the door of sin, and therefore in that point our Lord was put to pain. He can receive vinegar, but not lukewarm love. So were the streets of Jerusalem; for great multitudes followed him. He knew once how to turn water into wine, and in matchless love he has often turned our sour drink-offerings into something sweet to himself, though in themselves, methinks, they have been the juice of sour grapes, sharp enough to set his teeth on edge. Even when man compassionates the sufferings of Christ, and man would have ceased to be human if he did not, still he scorns him; the very cup which man gives to Jesus is at once scorn and pity, for "the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." The Lord bless you, for Jesus' own sake. And yet he placed himself for our sakes into a position of shame and suffering where none would wait upon him, but when he cried, "I thirst," they gave him vinegar to drink. III. ye Christian men, who dream of trimming your sails to the wind, who seek to win the world's favor, I do beseech you cease from a course so perilous. He thirsted to pluck us from between the jaws of hell, to pay our redemption price, and set us free from the eternal condemnation which hung over us; and when on the cross the work was almost done his thirst was not assuaged, and could not be till he could say, "It is finished." We would fain lift thy name on high in grateful remembrance of the depths to which thou didst descend! How has it been with you? For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh." Our sinful tongues, blistered by the fever of passion, must have burned for ever had not his tongue been tormented with thirst in our stead. The next time we are in pain or are suffering depression of spirit we will remember that our Lord understands it all, for he has had practical, personal experience of it. As Christ went through the streets, a great multitude looked on. How they led him forth we do not know. IV. Then the goat was led away by a fit man into the wilderness, and it carried away the sins of the people, so that if they were sought for, they could not be found. Simon was an African; he came from Cyrene. sinner, if God hides his face from Christ, how much less will he spare you! When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid: It shows he was afraid all along the coward the vacillating coward and now a fresh superstition seizes upon him. If we be true to our Master we shall soon lose the friendship of the world. Oh! Henceforth, also, let us cultivate the spirit of resignation, for we may well rejoice to carry a cross which his shoulders have borne before us. I have shown you, believer, your position; let me now show you your service. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. Lloyd-Jones opens John 19:31-37 to answer that very question. Last Sunday the remark was made to me "If the story of the sufferings of Christ had been told of any other man, all the congregation would have been in tears." Let us now gaze for awhile upon CHRIST CARRYING HIS CROSS. It is not likely that we shall be able to worship with their worship. Hark how their loud voices demand that he should be hastened to execution! I cannot roll up into one word all the mass of sorrows which met upon the head of Christ who died for us, therefore it is impossible for me to tell you what streams, what oceans of grief must roll over your spirit if you die as you now are. Thou wast still straightened till the last pang was felt and the last word spoken to complete to full redemption, and hence thy cry, "I thirst." Like the steps of a ladder or the links of a golden chain, there is a mutual dependence and interlinking of each of the cries, so that one leads to another and that to a third. They take matters very gently; they think it unnecessary to be soldiers of the cross. John 19 Commentary John chapter 19 commentary Bible study. In fact, the tendency is to exalt man above God and give him the highest place. He cried, ere he bowed the head which he had held erect amid all his conflict, as one who never yielded, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." Fix your hearts upon some unsaved one, and thirst until he is saved. I am glad the world expects much from us, and watches us narrowly. I have now a third picture to present to you CHRIST AND HIS MOURNERS. Let patience have her perfect work. (1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. This was the homage which the Son of God received from men; harmless and gentle, he came here with no purpose but that of doing good, and this is how mankind treated him. Our Lord in his death-cries, as in all else, was perfection itself. 2 And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, . We do not thirst after the old manner wherein we were bitterly afflicted, for he hath said, "He that drinketh of this water shall never thirst:" but now we covet a new thirst. John 19:28 J.R. Thomson This is both the shortest of all the dying utterances of Jesus, and it is the one which is most closely related to himself. It is the way whereby many shall be brought to Christ, when this blessed soul-thirst of true Christian charity shall be upon those who are themselves saved. We are in the world, but we must never be of it; we are not to be secluded like monks in the cloister, but we are to be separated like Jews among Gentiles; men, but not of men; helping, aiding, befriending, teaching, comforting, instructing, but not sinning either to escape a frown or to win a smile. the people saw him in the street, not arrayed in the purple robe, but wearing his garment without seam, woven from the top throughout, the common smock-frock, in fact, of the countrymen of Palestine, and they said at once, "Yes, 'tis he, the man who healed the sick, and raised the dead; the mighty teacher who was wont to sit upon the mountain-top, or stand in the temple courts and preach with authority, and not as the Scribes." Bearing upon his back the sin of all his people, the offering goes without the camp. May we not despise our loaded table while he is neglected? And well they may; the son of such noble parents deserves a nation's love. Next Saturday all eyes will be fixed on a great Prince who shall ride through our streets with his Royal Bride. Nor is this all. This thirst had been on him from the earliest of his earthly days. "Weep for yourselves," says Christ, "rather than for me." He also knew well the terrible joy that comes only through suffering as he lived quite afflicted (both by illness and slander). Some of those whom we loved very dearly we have seen quite unable to help themselves; the death sweat has been upon them, and this has been one of the marks of their approaching dissolution, that they have been parched with thirst, and could only mutter between their half-closed lips, "Give me to drink." The utterance of "I thirst" brought out A TYPE OF MAN'S TREATMENT OF HIS LORD. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. A river of the water of life, pure as crystal, proceedeth to-day out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, and yet once he condescended to say, "I thirst," before his angelic guards, they would surely have emulated the courage of the men of David when they cut their way to the well of Bethlehem that was within the gate, and drew water in jeopardy of their lives. Dear friend, if you think that you suffer all that a Christian can suffer; if all God's billows roll over you, yet, remember, there is not one drop of wrath in all your sea of sorrow. And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou ? It is the opinion of some commentators that Simon only carried one end of the cross, and not the whole of it. Well, then, what means this cry, "I thirst," but this, that we should thirst too? London shall see the glory of the one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the other. Ah, that I cannot tell, except his own great love. Shall the servant be above his Master, or the disciple above his Lord? Those pictures which represent our Lord as wearing the crown of thorns upon the tree have therefore at least some scriptural warrant. I do not know how far it was from Pilate's house to the Mount of Doom. "I thirst," ay, this is my soul's word with her Lord. Great and worshipful being that he is, truth is to be altered for him, the gospel is to be modulated to suit the tone of his various generations, and all the arrangements of the universe are to be rendered subservient to his interests. III. We ought all to have a longing for conversions. What, then, dear friends, should be the sorrows excited by a view of Christ's sufferings? "And they took Jesus, and led him away." When they had mocked him they pulled off the purple garment he had worn, this rough operation would cause much pain. 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john 19 commentary spurgeon

john 19 commentary spurgeon