$35 trillion missing from pentagon

Defense Department spokesman Christopher Sherwood referred questions about the Pentagon's accounting system to the GAO report, in which the Pentagon's deputy chief financial officer vowed to fix the issues raised. After all, $35 trillion is aboutone-and-a-half times the size of the entire US economy. Clearly, the benefit of 911 has been the ability to keep hiding missing money that nobody seems to care about. Difficulty is a bit of an understatement, isnt it? Covid and The Ohio Train PSYOPS Exposed by Richard Gage! All constitutional changes required the unanimous approval of the 13 member States. And for further perspective on the DoDs defense ofthe beggars belief figure: It means money that DoD moved from one part of the budget to another, Clark explained to Task & Purpose. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. My battle with the Club was one where they wanted just the perfect trades from inside trading and bribing officials. This really amounts to shareholder fraud in that they pay huge fines and those who make huge bonuses from the fraud keep their illegal gains. Penn Wharton reportedly plans to follow up with additional analysis considering the effects of the tax plans if the revenue raised were used to fund investments that boost productivity. That does not mean that the Defense Department spent, lost, or could not account for $35 trillion, said Bryan Clark, a senior fellow with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments think tank in Washington, D.C. It means money that DoD moved from one part of the budget to another, Clark explained to Task & Purpose. It means there's a lot of money moving between accounts that may not be exactly where Congress wanted to put the money in the first place.. 2 min read While it shouldnt come as a surprise for an organization that has famously Would love your thoughts, please comment. What it all means: The results arent necessarily surprising. In my original model of this hidden system, articulated in various books and at the first Secret Space Program conference in San Mateo, California in 2014, rehypothecation formed one of the techniques by which I speculated vast amounts of fraudulent liquidity could be created and kept from the public by a kind of double-bookkeeping. You can send support to: Kyle Hunt, PO Box 1052, Sorrento FL 32776. There were conversations about how they bribed officials in Russia to recall platinum for an inventory. So what are these accounting adjustments? Originally posted on The Free: December 31, 2021 by Dave Lindorff The Pentagons $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole The Pentagon failed its audit amid a now $35 trillion scandal (yes, trillion) Lee Camp Thats what should have been the biggest news of 2021. But not so fast. A lot may be an understatement: According to government data, there were 562,568 adjustments made in the Pentagons books in 2018. Although it gets scant public attention compared with airstrikes, troop deployments, sexual assault statistics or major weapons programs, the reliability of the Pentagons financial statement is an indication of how effectively the military manages its resources considering that it receives over half of discretionary domestic spending, Carpaccio says. The bankers have always sought the perfect trade. Over the past two weeks of coronavirus headlines and heightened global anxiety, along with impeachment coverage and after over the Super Bowl weekendAmericans huddled in living rooms in blissful oblivion, a story which in more normal times would be front and center has gone largely unnoticed. He confirmed that Goldman Sachs had thought they could take me down, but I usually won. While auditors found no evidence of fraud in the review of finances that Congress required, they flagged a laundry list of problems, including accounting adjustments. But a combination of long-ago policy choices and recent ones have put us on a path where those who continue to worry about deficits are going to have a lot more to worry about., The claim that tax cuts dont cost money is a lie that wont die, because proponents of tax cuts have learned that many voters like to hear it., The New York Times Editorial Board, in a piece examining Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchins renewed claim this week that the Trump tax cuts will pay for themselves, which the editorial calls a risible fantasy.. Forbes: The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed Salon: Even by Pentagon terms, this was a dud: The disastrous saga of the F-35 Esquire: This Country Is Spending $1.7 Trillion on Planes That Dont Work For that money, we could have cancelled American student loan debt. Worse still, it seems to have endorsed a continual problem of missing money from the Pentagon. The Sanders campaign estimates that his wealth tax would raise $4.35 trillion over a decade, but Penn Wharton projects it would fall more than $1 trillion short of that mark, raising between $2.8 trillion and $3.3 trillion over 10 years. An attorney for lawyer Alan Dershowitz wrote a letter to the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Tuesday, asking whether the , As major media and big tech continue freaking out over 159 measles cases in the U.S., anti-vaccine campaigners are increasingly being likened to terrorists as their ability to share information and earn money is being cut off. 2009-2023 The Fiscal Times. Carpaccio notes that the number dwarfs the $738 billion of defense-related funding in the latest U.S. budget, a spending plan that includes the most expensive weapons systems in the world including the F-35 jet as well as new aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. Its also larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments continuing difficulty in balancing its books.. 163K subscribers in the conspiracy_commons community. So what are these accounting adjustments? Here is one tape I had a copy of that was at my mothers house which survived. The spending adjustments follow the Pentagons first failed audit in 2018 and another failed audit in 2018, according to Bloomberg. While it shouldnt come as a surprise for an organization that has famously failed to ever pass an audit, the Pentagon was nevertheless able to shock some observers this week with a new batch of financial numbers. Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says they represent a lot of double, triple, and quadruple counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts within the Pentagon. WebThe pentagon budget is nowhere near 2.3T. Strange people call you at strange hours to give you strange information. The 1516 Greek-Latin New Testament of . The Biden proposal has two opposing effects on the macroeconomy, the new study explains. The Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments last year alone -- a total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments The Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments last year alone -- a total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments continuing difficulty in balancing its books. What people do not realize is thatBECAUSEof 911 hitting the very room where all the documents were concerning the Pentagon budget, the audit never took place. However, $35 trillion is close to 50-times the size of the Pentagons 2019 budget, so that A similar loss of $10 Trillion was announced by the pentagon on September 10, 2001. 46quFRHBJMA83q4GcE49DFCTMdyBj1L6s7MBL8kGhu9Cbz4YrCW4ik83vqtmqCVxHv22n4AEdMDx36di7YiENQAUGYaoYdo, ETHEREUM ADDRESS: However, $35 trillion is close to 50-times the size of the Pentagons 2019 budget, so that means every dollar the Defense Department received from Congress was moved up to 50 times before it was actually spent, Clark said. And it means that you're probably spending a lot of time moving money around instead of actually getting the work done, Clark said. WebThe Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments last year alone a total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments continuing The size and scope of unsupported adjustments is deeply concerning because it tells a story of poor internal controls and lack of financial data integrity., While the Defense Department couldnt adequately support all accounting adjustments, that does not mean they were inaccurate or erroneous, said Allen. Founder of Architects for 911 Truth. Why it matters: More broadly, the number highlights the persistent lack of internal financial controls at the Pentagon, which makes it extremely difficult to account properly for spending in the largest government budget. The system fights back with official lies, disinformation, and stonewalling. Many of these older systems were designed without consideration for current financial accounting standards, Sherwood said. What we were finding is the Department of Defense has such lack of confidence or unreliability in their own records that they on a routine basis . Earlier: The Pentagon Spent Nearly $1 Billion on Audit and Failed. The report shows the Pentagon employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints over mold. Honest, uncensored, and hard-hitting articles. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. With tax season now fast approaching, its not too comforting to know the Pentagon enjoys over half of all discretionary domestic spending forits global war machine in maintenance ofour humble RepublicEmpire. Remember to thank those in the military for their service. Built ThePatriotConnection,com (Patri-X.com) to unite patriots, empower content creators, educate others, and to crowdsource a true accounting of history. In other words, were already far afield of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfelds September 10, 2001 admission that the Pentagram had about $2 trillion it couldnt account for. The changes skew sex ratios in the frog population and could be a major cause of amphibian decline worldwide. Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says they represent a lot of double, triple, and quadruple counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts within the Pentagon. Mark Easton, the Defense Departments deputy chief financial officer, wrote the GAO that in response to its audit the department is actively developing strategies to reduce accounting adjustments. 'It would be like moving money from checking, to savings, to your 401K, to your credit card, and then back. Tony Capaccio, Bloomberg News. Like what you're reading? Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), who asked the Government Accountability Office to look into the issue, said the combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD accountants do add up to a number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy, and charged that the Pentagon employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints over mold. Spokeswoman for the Pentagons inspector general,Dwrena Allen, downplayed what to most Americans will sound like the makings of an explosive scandal. Instead, the story, which broke on November 17, was largely ignored or buried. Bloomberg attempted to get a handle on it further in explaining, The military services make adjustments, some automatic and some manual, on a monthly and quarterly basis, and those actions are consolidated by the Pentagons primary finance and accounting service and submitted to the Treasury.. The Pentagon failed its audit amid a now $35 trillion scandal (yes, trillion) Lee Camp. Published Jan 23, 2020 9:59 PM EST. Subsequently, the Department will update the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation and document strategies with specific outcomes and detailed procedures for achieving stated goals in the strategies.. The At first, I was skeptical worried that he was perhaps sent in by the club as they had done before with the nephew of uncle Ed Rothschild. Your generosity is very much appreciated and needed. The Defense Department acknowledged that it failed its first-ever audit in 2018 and then again last year, when it reviewed$2.7 trillionin assets and$2.6 trillionin liabilities. He also calls for higher estate taxes and the introduction of a financial transactions tax. But it may happen behind closed doors, with the news media and public barred at least in part. There are other issues with the model, as well: The latest analyses follow the Congressional Budget Offices standard in applying revenues raised by higher taxes toward deficit reduction even in cases where a candidate has laid out other uses for the money. And as we noted then, critics of the Penn Wharton model question some of its assumptions about how higher taxes affect the economy. In the end, HSBC had to plead and agree to criminal restitution and pay back the missing funds. US (not America any longer) put 80% of its budget for the first 90 years to killing the indigenous as George Washington wiped out the Iroquis and the Pilgrims were no better wiping out the Pequot as the Jews, Masons and Christians burnt theirRead more , Look at the design of DC and the Pentagon which is an upside down pentagram as both were designed by Freemasons as are all state houses and a huge number of dams, buildings, cities, and other structures with George Washington in full pose as Baphomet (the inverse of the Ram of Banebdjedet at Mendes) as everything we know, read or have been taught is the inverse (Well know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false William Casey at Reagan White House meeting with Barbara Honegger in attendance and it was herRead more . Pentagon Racks Up $35 Trillion in Accounting Changes in One YearBy Anthony Capaccio , 1/22/2020, 3:00:00 AMThe Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments last year alone a total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments continuing difficulty in balancing its books. Naturally, the first and only question we should start with is: how is this even possible? The next day, the WTC was attacked as well as the pentagon itself. Web584 votes, 77 comments. Trillions explained away by a little benign neglect of simple documentation? Imane Fadil was a Moroccan ex-model who became a celebrity after becoming a key witness in the 2013 Rubygate trials which accused the media mogul and ex-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi of child prostitution. TexanCiviliansCriminallyAssaultedbyState,FederalandCorporateagencies, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-22/pentagon-racks-up-35-trillion-in-accounting-changes-in-one-year?utm_content=business&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_medium=social&cmpid=socialflow-facebook-business. The collapse of WTC #7 was clearly a demolition to hide evidence. The Pentagon's accounting systems are so old and out of date that defense officials don't even put up a fight when the Treasury Department says they've made errors, explained Kristen Kociolek, who led the GAO's review of the issue. Projecting out to 2050, Penn Wharton says the Sanders wealth tax would reduce GDP by 1.1% and average hourly wages would fall by 1% due to the reduction in private capital formation.. Penn Wharton estimates that plan by itself would raise $267 billion in additional revenues from 2021 through 2030 (without accounting for economic effects) and would increase the percentage of estates subject to taxation though it would still only apply to less than 0.5% of people who died in any given year. I had given the tapes to my lawyers to protect. To be sure, the Pentagon couldnt be happier that this bombshell has taken aback burner in global headlines: The Pentagon made$35 trillionin accounting adjustments last year alonea total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Departments continuing difficulty in balancing its books. Samuel Huntington and , Erasmus, with the help of printer John Froben, published a Greek-Latin Parallel New Testament. PO Box 1052 The combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD accountants do addup toa number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy, said Speier, a California Democrat. He worked for one of the biggest hedge funds in New York and he called me and wanted a job. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Page 9. She experienced the wrath of the dental industry when she tried to publish her researchtitled The Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats in the Journal of Neurotoxicology and Teratology that fluoride was neurotoxic. Jeff Schogol is the senior Pentagon reporter for Task & Purpose. The Pentagon made $35 trillion in accounting adjustments last year alone a total thats larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense They wanted guaranteed trades. The Pentagons $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole, Plus: Sanders, Biden tax plans come up short, study says. A lot may be an understatement: According to government data, there were 562,568 adjustments made in the Pentagons books in 2018. Shockingly high levels of aluminum were found in these brain samples. Another issue is whether the Defense Department is spending its money the way Congress envisioned it would, he said. ', By CEO of Blackrock Warns A Spike In Inflation May Come As A Pretty Big Shock Its Not Transitory, Discover the untold story about the War in Ukraine in this eye-opening documentary, The US wants to Impose a New Economic Paradigm on the World. High levels of aluminum were found in these brain samples those in the Pentagons failed... Thought they could take me down, but I usually won Sanders, Biden tax plans up! ( yes, trillion ) Lee Camp another failed audit in 2018, According to government data there... Of a financial $35 trillion missing from pentagon tax ), you are commenting using your Facebook account According... Copy of that was at my mothers house which survived of its assumptions about how taxes... Given the tapes to my lawyers to protect I had given the tapes to lawyers... 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$35 trillion missing from pentagon

$35 trillion missing from pentagon